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Next Generation Automated Solubility Platform

January 16, 2018

ETC is seeking potential collaborators to develop a cost-effective, user-friendly platform focused solely on reliable solubility measurement that can be operated in “walk-up” mode to deliver accurate, reproducible solubility data in highly diverse solvent systems over a wide range of experimental conditions.


Current high throughput solubility workflows require expensive hardware and expert users to run and are often too complicated to be used reliably as “walk up” platforms. Measuring accurate, reproducible data in solvents with highly diverse properties and over a wide range of experimental conditions can be challenging. Ultimately, the cost and complexity of current automated solubility platforms limit use to expert users within specialty automation groups. To overcome challenges with filtration and dilution of viscous, volatile or high solids load suspensions custom modifications and/or use of alternate specialty hardware are often employed. A cost-effective, user-friendly platform focused solely on reliable solubility measurement is desired.

Download the Request for Information and submit your response.




Will the technical proposal include only the prototype phase?  What level of details is sufficient for this first stage of RFI? 

We hope the proposal includes sufficient information to help us understand the vendor’s proposed technical solution/platform to the challenges/requirements associated with automated solubility experimentation, which are enumerated in the RFI. Please provide insights on the vendor’s technical capabilities, development costs, estimated prototype costs, and achievable (albeit tentative) development timelines for developing a prototype. Recognizing that the RFI has been published collectively by multiple pharmaceutical companies, based on collectively identified challenges associated with HT solubility measurements, it reflects an important unmet need in the broader industry. Consequently, it would eventually be valuable to have a commercial version of the prototype, if the vendor so desired to pursue this intent.

To whom and where will the prototype be delivered? 

At this stage, please present solutions/possibilities that could allow the team members to feasibly and efficiently be trained, utilize and evaluate the prototype performance. These may include, for example, prototype locations at vendor sites or delivery of shared prototype(s) to a participating member’s site for a specific time period and then shipped to a second member’s site for the latter’s assessments. Please note that these are only indicative possibilities and we encourage you to recommend other innovative options. If the number(s) of prototypes and their deployment is expected to strongly affect the funding requirements or the prototype costs, please include a high-level overview of such cost estimates in your response.

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